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황태희 회원 SSCI-listed 저널 논문 게재

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작성자 관리자 작성일17-03-02 14:03 조회3,382회 댓글0건


본 연구원의 회원인 황태희 연세대학교 정치외교학과 교수가 다음 SSCI-listed 저널에 논문을 게재하였다.


Whang, Taehee, Michael Lammbrau, and Hyung-min Joo. Forthcoming. “Detecting Patterns in North Korean Military Provocations: What Machine-Learning Tells Us,” International Relations of the



Huang, Min-Hua, Taehee Whang, and Lei Xuchuan. Forthcoming. “The Internet, Social Capital, and Civic Engagement in Asia,” Social Indicators Research.


Kim, Youngwan and Taehee Whang. Forthcoming. “Non-governmental Organizations and Economic Sanctions,” International Political Science Review.


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